Crimson Capital News Details

April, 2011

Crimson Pioneers Innovative Public Private Partnership in the Dairy, Beef and Feed Sector in Kosovo

In April, Crimson pioneered an innovative, public-private partnership (PPP) with the Gracanica Municipality, diary farmers from Gracanica and the Bylmeti dairy company. The Crimson Finance Fund (CFF) is providing loans to farmers to purchase between four and eight high-producing dairy cows from Germany. The municipality of Gracanica is providing one milking machine, one lacto-freezer and one to two cows to each farmer on a grant basis. Bylmeti will collect the milk from each farmer every two days at a set price (Bylmeti is also guaranteeing the loans between CFF and the farmers).

The initiative will result in increased incomes to the dairy famers; legal registration of their businesses; improved farming techniques; increased, local supply of high quality milk; increased financial literacy and bankability of participating farmers; and improved competitiveness of the local dairy value chain. It also supports the integration of minority-owned businesses in Kosovo (six of the eight farmers are Serb and one is Roma).

The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development has expressed his enthusiastic support for the program. Crimson is seeking opportunities to expand the model to hundreds of other farmers in Kosovo.